
Showing posts with the label new books

Anarchist Bookfair Wrap-up

The Bookfair has been and gone - and the Freedom Shop gained a lot of new people to add to our list of contacts. We also sold quite a few books and zines plus had some interesting conversations about anarchy and the state - questions and discussions by browsers at the Bookfair were as diverse as prison abolition, how to safely destroy CCTV cameras, what is imperialism and what is colonisation, the pros and cons of electoral politics, and why some people feel they need to get their relationship recognised by the state and marry. It was an interesting and long day! But especially good news for the Freedom Shop is that we not only gained interesting contacts and sold a lot of books, but we also bought some. We ended up buying books from both PM Press and Jura Books so in the Shop now is new exciting stock, including ' How to Make Trouble and Influence People ' - the second edition. The book covers a lot of Australia’s radical past with more than 500 tales of Indigenous resistan

Anarchist Bookfair Wrap-up

The Bookfair has been and gone - and the Freedom Shop gained a lot of new people to add to our list of contacts. We also sold quite a few books and zines plus had some interesting conversations about anarchy and the state - questions and discussions by browsers at the Bookfair were as diverse as prison abolition, how to safely destroy CCTV cameras, what is imperialism and what is colonisation, the pros and cons of electoral politics, and why some people feel they need to get their relationship recognised by the state and marry. It was an interesting and long day! But especially good news for the Freedom Shop is that we not only gained interesting contacts and sold a lot of books, but we also bought some. We ended up buying books from both PM Press and Jura Books so in the Shop now is new exciting stock, including ' How to Make Trouble and Influence People ' - the second edition. The book covers a lot of Australia’s radical past with more than 500 tales of Indigenous resist

Wellington Anarchist Bookfair This Week

The Freedom Shop will be at the Wellington Anarchist Bookfair on Saturday 15 March at 19 Tory St. We will also be speaking about the Freedom Shop on the evening of Friday 14 March and will possibly have stalls at some of the other events during the week.  Other bookshops and publishers attending the Bookfair include:  AK Press Jura Books Kate Sharpley Library Little Black Cart PM Press Rebel Press The Bookfair is not limited to the Saturday. An art exhibition of posters, zines, badges and protest art will be on display at 19 Tory St from 12th to 16th March. There will also be a series of public talks and discussions over the week, including talks by writers and local anarchists and Michael Schmidt, the author of ' Black Flame ' and the ' The Cartography of Anarchy '. For a full schedule of events, speakers and vendors, visit the Wellington Anarchist Bookfair website at

Wellington Anarchist Bookfair This Week

The Freedom Shop will be at the Wellington Anarchist Bookfair on Saturday 15 March at 19 Tory St. We will also be speaking about the Freedom Shop on the evening of Friday 14 March and will possibly have stalls at some of the other events during the week.  Other bookshops and publishers attending the Bookfair include:  AK Press Jura Books Kate Sharpley Library Little Black Cart PM Press Rebel Press The Bookfair is not limited to the Saturday. An art exhibition of posters, zines, badges and protest art will be on display at 19 Tory St from 12th to 16th March. There will also be a series of public talks and discussions over the week, including talks by writers and local anarchists and Michael Schmidt, the author of ' Black Flame ' and the ' The Cartography of Anarchy '. For a full schedule of events, speakers and vendors, visit the Wellington Anarchist Bookfair website at

New Books

New books are on the shelves - just arrive from AK Press, we have numerous historical, biographical, theoretical and practical titles. The books include some of the latest published plus reprints of old classics. Edited by self-described 'feminist warriors not perfectionists', Dear Sister contains lessons, memories, and vision of over fifty artists, activists, mothers, writers, and students who share their stories of survival or what it means to be an advocate and ally to survivors. Those speaking in the book include a professor in the Midwest US, a poet in Belgium, an escapee from a child prostitution ring, an advocate in the Congo, and a sex worker in San Francisco. Dear Sister touches on issues of feminism, love, disability, gender, justice, identity, and spirituality. It is described as a multi-generational, multi-ethnic collection of letters and essays. Read an excerpt from the book here .   We also have a copy of Sophie Lyon's ' Queen of the Underworld '

New Books

New books are on the shelves - just arrive from AK Press, we have numerous historical, biographical, theoretical and practical titles. The books include some of the latest published plus reprints of old classics. Edited by self-described 'feminist warriors not perfectionists', Dear Sister contains lessons, memories, and vision of over fifty artists, activists, mothers, writers, and students who share their stories of survival or what it means to be an advocate and ally to survivors. Those speaking in the book include a professor in the Midwest US, a poet in Belgium, an escapee from a child prostitution ring, an advocate in the Congo, and a sex worker in San Francisco. Dear Sister touches on issues of feminism, love, disability, gender, justice, identity, and spirituality. It is described as a multi-generational, multi-ethnic collection of letters and essays. Read an excerpt from the book here .   We also have a copy of Sophie Lyon's ' Queen of the Underworld 

Huia Books

We have a new order of both fiction and non-fiction Huia Books in the Shop available at especially low prices. The books include both the M āori and English editions of 'Maumahara ki tērā Nōema' / 'Remember That November ' - a children's book about the story of the invasion of Parihaka on 5th November 1881. As one young reader put it, “ The book was in two halves. One was about a man called Guy (who had) fireworks. He tried to blow up the king and his men… Part 2: The government tried to take the Maori land. The government won, but MAORI came back and WIN IT BACK. ” We have several others books specifically about Taranaki, including ' Ng ā ti Ruanui: A History ', which Huia say is a 'fascinating, at times chilling, and ultimately inspiring' history of the South Taranaki iwi Ng ā ti Ruanui. The central theme of the book is described as ' the unwavering determination of the Ngāti Ruanui tribe to hold onto their land and their autonomy'. We a

Huia Books

We have a new order of both fiction and non-fiction Huia Books in the Shop available at especially low prices. The books include both the M āori and English editions of 'Maumahara ki tērā Nōema' / 'Remember That November ' - a children's book about the story of the invasion of Parihaka on 5th November 1881. As one young reader put it, “ The book was in two halves. One was about a man called Guy (who had) fireworks. He tried to blow up the king and his men… Part 2: The government tried to take the Maori land. The government won, but MAORI came back and WIN IT BACK. ” We have several others books specifically about Taranaki, including ' Ng ā ti Ruanui: A History ', which Huia say is a 'fascinating, at times chilling, and ultimately inspiring' history of the South Taranaki iwi Ng ā ti Ruanui. The central theme of the book is described as ' the unwavering determination of the Ngāti Ruanui tribe to hold onto their land and their autonomy'. We

New Books!

We have just received two cartons of new books at the Freedom Shop. Included amongst the books is just published ' Undoing Border Imperialism ' by Harsha Waila - a book about migration, state control and state violence. In the book Harsha urges people organsing against border imperialism to be aware of the illegal settlement and appropriation of lands throughout time, the book ends with a discussion on decolonisation. More about ' Undoing Border Imperialism ' can be read here . "What I am trying to say is that working in solidarity with someone does not preclude us from, but rather requires us to, challenge behaviors that are sexist, homophobic, or capitalist. This is based on the recognition of one another as changing individuals. It is through these dialogues and demands for accountability that we aim to work toward a world free of oppression, while struggling for all people to live with dignity and safety." - Alex Mah, Excerpt from Undoing Border Imperia

New Books!

We have just received two cartons of new books at the Freedom Shop. Included amongst the books is just published ' Undoing Border Imperialism ' by Harsha Waila - a book about migration, state control and state violence. In the book Harsha urges people organsing against border imperialism to be aware of the illegal settlement and appropriation of lands throughout time, the book ends with a discussion on decolonisation. More about ' Undoing Border Imperialism ' can be read here . "What I am trying to say is that working in solidarity with someone does not preclude us from, but rather requires us to, challenge behaviors that are sexist, homophobic, or capitalist. This is based on the recognition of one another as changing individuals. It is through these dialogues and demands for accountability that we aim to work toward a world free of oppression, while struggling for all people to live with dignity and safety." - Alex Mah, Excerpt from Undoing Border I

imminent rebellion

The latest edition of 'imminent rebellion' is here.   Imminent Rebellion is an irregular anarchist journal published by Rebel Press . This issue includes: ‘Pirates’ vs Pirates: Somalia through the eyes of a German court  Lizard’s Revenge - action against BHP's uranium mine at Olympic Dam in South Australia Loomio: Making self-organised governance convenient The Trial - a description of the 'Urewera 4' trial Never Ceded: An interview with Marianne Mackay Hot and Hotter: The Sex Worker Freedom Festival Up a Mighty River Without a Paddle Unpicking Arcadia: Philip Josephs and early NZ anarchism An Interview with the Kurdish Anarchist Forum The Aftermath: The fight to save Glen Innes

imminent rebellion

The latest edition of 'imminent rebellion' is here.   Imminent Rebellion is an irregular anarchist journal published by Rebel Press . This issue includes: ‘Pirates’ vs Pirates: Somalia through the eyes of a German court  Lizard’s Revenge - action against BHP's uranium mine at Olympic Dam in South Australia Loomio: Making self-organised governance convenient The Trial - a description of the 'Urewera 4' trial Never Ceded: An interview with Marianne Mackay Hot and Hotter: The Sex Worker Freedom Festival Up a Mighty River Without a Paddle Unpicking Arcadia: Philip Josephs and early NZ anarchism An Interview with the Kurdish Anarchist Forum The Aftermath: The fight to save Glen Innes

New books from Huia

We have a few new books from Huia Publishers at special prices: At the Heart of Hiruharama by Isabel Waiti-Mulholland Ngati Ruanui: A History by Tony Sole Ocean Roads by James George  The Beating Heart: A Political and Socio-economic History of Te Arawa by Vincent O Malley The Smell of the Moon by Mark Kneubuhl Te Wiremuu - Henry WIlliams: Early Years in the North by Caroline Fitzgerald Wiremu Tamihana by Evelyn Stokes Zhu Mao by Mark Sweet

New books from Huia

We have a few new books from Huia Publishers at special prices: At the Heart of Hiruharama by Isabel Waiti-Mulholland Ngati Ruanui: A History by Tony Sole Ocean Roads by James George  The Beating Heart: A Political and Socio-economic History of Te Arawa by Vincent O Malley The Smell of the Moon by Mark Kneubuhl Te Wiremuu - Henry WIlliams: Early Years in the North by Caroline Fitzgerald Wiremu Tamihana by Evelyn Stokes Zhu Mao by Mark Sweet

New Zines, New Books

The shelves are full - we've done a re-run of old popular zines, printed some new ones, and we've also have just received an order of new books. Some of the new zines include ' The Sun Still Rises ' by the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire ; the Lexicon pamphlet series by the Institute for Anarchist Studies and ' Hunter Gather ' by Crimethinc . Reprinted zines include a new edition of ' Hot Pantz ', the wonderful do-it-yourself gynecology zine that begins with the statement: "Patriarchy sucks. It's robbed us of our autonomy and much of our history. We believe that it's integral for women to be aware and in control of our own bodies. The recipes we present here have been known for centuries, passed down from mother to daughter, and have survived the censorship of the witch hunts. Our intent is simple and practical: to help break away from the medical establishment's tentacular grip on our bodies and our approaches to

New Zines, New Books

The shelves are full - we've done a re-run of old popular zines, printed some new ones, and we've also have just received an order of new books. Some of the new zines include ' The Sun Still Rises ' by the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire ; the Lexicon pamphlet series by the Institute for Anarchist Studies and ' Hunter Gather ' by Crimethinc . Reprinted zines include a new edition of ' Hot Pantz ', the wonderful do-it-yourself gynecology zine that begins with the statement: "Patriarchy sucks. It's robbed us of our autonomy and much of our history. We believe that it's integral for women to be aware and in control of our own bodies. The recipes we present here have been known for centuries, passed down from mother to daughter, and have survived the censorship of the witch hunts. Our intent is simple and practical: to help break away from the medical establishment's tentacular grip on our bodies and our approaches to

Book launch - Sewing Freedom: a new book on early NZ anarchism

Sewing Freedom , by Jared Davidson, is the first in-depth study of anarchism in New Zealand during the turbulent years of the early 20th century—a time of wildcat strikes, industrial warfare and a radical working class counter-culture. Interweaving biography, cultural history and an array of archival sources, this engaging account unravels the anarchist-cum-bomber stereotype by piecing together the life of Philip Josephs—a Latvian-born Jewish tailor, anti-militarist and founder of the Wellington Freedom Group. Anarchists like Josephs not only existed in the ‘Workingman’s Paradise’ that was New Zealand, but were a lively part of its labour movement and the class struggle that swept through the country, imparting uncredited influence and ideas. Sewing Freedom places this neglected movement within the global anarchist upsurge, and unearths the colourful activities of New Zealand’s most radical advocates for social and economic change. More information on the book, a sampler, and revie

Book launch - Sewing Freedom: a new book on early NZ anarchism

Sewing Freedom , by Jared Davidson, is the first in-depth study of anarchism in New Zealand during the turbulent years of the early 20th century—a time of wildcat strikes, industrial warfare and a radical working class counter-culture. Interweaving biography, cultural history and an array of archival sources, this engaging account unravels the anarchist-cum-bomber stereotype by piecing together the life of Philip Josephs—a Latvian-born Jewish tailor, anti-militarist and founder of the Wellington Freedom Group. Anarchists like Josephs not only existed in the ‘Workingman’s Paradise’ that was New Zealand, but were a lively part of its labour movement and the class struggle that swept through the country, imparting uncredited influence and ideas. Sewing Freedom places this neglected movement within the global anarchist upsurge, and unearths the colourful activities of New Zealand’s most radical advocates for social and economic change. More information on the book, a sampler,

New Books

We have new stock in the Shop, including: Hawaii 1778--1958, From Western Discovery to Statehood - J. Gerlach The Right to be Lazy. Paul LaFargue (Author) Quiet Rumours: An Anarcha-Feminist Reader, New Edition - Dark Star Collective Disassembly Required: A Field Guide to Actually Existing Capitalism - Geoff Mann Queering Anarchism: Addressing and Undressing Power and Desire - C. B. Daring A Poetics of Resistance, The Revolutionary Public Relations of the Zapatista Insurgency - Jeff Conant (Author) Arab Spring, Libyan Winter - Vijay Prashad Decolonizing Anarchism: An Antiauthoritarian History of India's Liberation Struggle - Maia Ramnath The Congo: A European Invention - J. Gerlach Mythmakers & Lawbreakers: Anarchist Writers on Fiction - Margaret Killjoy (Editor) Partisanas: Women in the Armed Resistance to Fascism and German Occupation (1936--1945) - Ingrid Strobl Pacifism as Pathology: Reflections on the Role of Armed Struggle in North America (2nd edition) - Ward Churchill Ey

New Books

We have new stock in the Shop, including: Hawaii 1778--1958, From Western Discovery to Statehood - J. Gerlach The Right to be Lazy. Paul LaFargue (Author) Quiet Rumours: An Anarcha-Feminist Reader, New Edition - Dark Star Collective Disassembly Required: A Field Guide to Actually Existing Capitalism - Geoff Mann Queering Anarchism: Addressing and Undressing Power and Desire - C. B. Daring A Poetics of Resistance, The Revolutionary Public Relations of the Zapatista Insurgency - Jeff Conant (Author) Arab Spring, Libyan Winter - Vijay Prashad Decolonizing Anarchism: An Antiauthoritarian History of India's Liberation Struggle - Maia Ramnath The Congo: A European Invention - J. Gerlach Mythmakers & Lawbreakers: Anarchist Writers on Fiction - Margaret Killjoy (Editor) Partisanas: Women in the Armed Resistance to Fascism and German Occupation (1936--1945) - Ingrid Strobl Pacifism as Pathology: Reflections on the Role of Armed Struggle in North America (2nd edition) - Ward Churchill Ey