New Books
We have had a couple of boxes of new books and tee-shirts arrive from AK Press, including: ' Against Equality ' critiques the current struggle for inclusion and equality in conservative systems and institutions for all queer people. Instead on inclusion, the Against Equality Collective challenges people to struggle for alternatives to the current system - for radical transformation of society. The Collective hope to ' reinvigorate the queer political imagination with fantastic possibility! ' We also have a couple of copies of an anthology of Peter Kropotkin's writings: ' Direct Struggle Against Capital '. Edited by Iain McKay, the book is fully annotated and features an historical introduction, biographical sketch, glossary, bibliography and index. " The enemy on whom we declare war is capital, and it is against capital that we will direct all our efforts, taking care not to become distracted from our goal by the phony campaigns and arguments of the pol