New books!

A new book order has arrived in time to save you from having to buy your loved ones a pair of socks for Christmas. A selection of titles:

The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability by Lierre Keith.
memoir, part nutritional primer, and part political manifesto, The
Vegetarian Myth will challenge everything you thought you knew about
food politics.”

Also on the subject of food - Abolish Restaurants: A Worker's Critique of the Food Service Industry by Prole.
“A 60-page illustrated guide to the daily misery, stress, boredom, and alienation of restaurant work, as well as the ways restaurant workers fight against it. Drawing on a range of anticapitalist ideas as well as a heaping plate of personal experience, it is part analysis and part call-to-arms.”

Sisters of the Revolution: A Feminist Speculative Fiction Anthology by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer (Ed).
“From the literary heft of Angela Carter to the searing power of Octavia Butler, Sisters of the Revolution gathers daring examples of speculative fiction's engagement with feminism. Dark, satirical stories such as Eileen Gunn's "Stable Strategies for Middle Management" and the disturbing horror of James Tiptree Jr.'s "The Screwfly Solution" reveal the charged intensity at work in the field.”

Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat from Mayflower to Modern by J. Sakai

“Always controversial within the establishment Left Settlers uncovers centuries of collaboration between capitalism and white workers and their organizations, as well as their neocolonial allies, showing how the United States was designed from the ground up as a parasitic and genocidal entity.”

Arena One: On Anarchist Cinema & Arena Two: Anarchists in Fiction
Richard Porton (Ed). With a contribution by Wellington filmmaker Russel Campbell.

“In the wake of the end of the Cold War and worldwide protests against corporate globalization, anarchism continues to attract new adherents among both aging leftists and new generations of young radicals. Arena aims to tap into this revived interest in libertarian ideas, culture and practice by providing a dynamic focal point: a journal that brings together good, stimulating and provocative writing and scholarship on libertarian culture of all kinds.”


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