New Books

Once more we have a range of new books on the shelves. Orders have arrived from both PM Press and AK Press, including:

The line has been drawn: it has gone this far, but no further.

Published in 2014 'A Line in the Tar Sands' makes it clear that the industry needs to be shut down. The tar sands are a pivotal position in the fight
against climate change. Anit-colonial and anti-capitalist fighters are confronting an industry driven by some of the largest corporations on earth, which have
no goals that are any nobler than maximizing short-term profits and

A sample of the book can be downloaded here.


Asia's Unknown Uprisings, by George Katsiaficas.

“Through Katsiaficas’s study of Asia’s uprisings and rebellions, readers
get a glimpse of the challenge to revolutionaries to move beyond
representative democracy and to reimagine and reinvent democracy. This
book shows the power of rebellions to change the conversation.”

—Grace Lee Boggs, activist and coauthor of Revolution and Evolution in the Twentieth Century

Revolutionary Women was originally a zine made at Cherry Bomb Comics in Auckland 2005.

"The beauty and simplicity of message is stark in this zine. It
is lovingly earnest with its handcrafted cut and pastes. The snippets
are well-worded, the quotes cleverly chosen. The silhouettes of fearless
females are striking. Overwhelmingly, one is left with a sense of the
near universal absence of images of revolutionary women.  From now on,
every time I see a Che Guevara portrait, I will wonder about his many,
unheralded and invisible sisters."

--Karlo Mila, author of Dream Fish Floating

Our Mother Ocean: Enclosure, Commons, and the Global Fishermen's Movement

This book tells the story of the Global Fishermen’s
Movement from its beginnings in Southern India to its crucial role in
the global movement against neoliberal capitalism. The perspective is both practical and theoretical,
exploring the related issues of globalization, development, work, and
food, and the strategic connections between those struggling for
social justice in the global North and South.

"Through overfishing, industrial aquaculture, and poisoning, capitalism
is killing ocean life—upon which all of life on Earth depends—but the
people who are most directly threatened by this destruction are fighting
back, and the rest of us urgently need to join their struggles. That is
the story that unfolds in this remarkably detailed but compact book by
Mariarosa Dalla Costa and Monica Chilese. To date, awareness of the
killing has been mostly limited to the environmental movement. At the
same time, awareness of the ways in which capitalism has been slowly
destroying traditional communities of those who live by, on, and with
the seas has been mostly limited to the peoples of those communities
and, in the case of indigenous fishing communities, a few
anthropologists. This book not only illuminates the interrelationships
between these two patterns of destruction, but also highlights the
emergence of a worldwide movement of resistance on the part of some of
those most directly threatened.

—Harry Cleaver, author of Reading Capital Politically


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