20th Anniversary of the murder of Carlo Giuliani

On July 20, 2001, 23-year-old anarchist Carlo Giuliani was shot dead
by police during protests against the G8 summit in Genoa. To his credit, he
succeeded in attacking the police van with a fire extinguisher.

 Originally published by Abolition Media Worldwide.

At the time, the global movement was facing off against capitalism.
1999’s Battle for Seattle had inspired the forces opposed to global
capitalism’s human exploitation and devastating effects on the
environment the world over. Further remarkable actions against George
Bush’s election and inauguration, at the World Bank/IMF meeting in
Washington D.C., and at the G7+1 meeting in Okinawa, Japan lead up to
the G8 meeting in Genova, Italy. Simultaneously to these mass
mobilizations and actions that were making it increasingly difficult for
the world’s most powerful leaders to meet, strategies for Another
Possible World were in the making. Finding its roots in the Zapatista
uprising on the day that the North American Free Trade Agreement went
into effect and in the First International Encuentro for Humanity and
Against Neoliberalism in 1996, the World Social Forum met for the first
time in Porto Allegre Brazil in June of 2001.

Carlo Giuliani was not ignorant of these developments, but was versed
in the development of this global movement. He had been raised with
knowledge of Gramsci, Marx, Malatesta, Sacco and Vanzetti. His father
was a leader of the communist trade Union CGIL and he came from a family
rooted in struggle for the rights of working people.

Carlo went to university, studying history, and lived in a squat in
Genoa. Carlo’s father, Giuliano Giuliani, put it like this “Carlo…is a
young man that reacted to a profound injustice.”

The state’s execution was backed up by the courts, and the pig that shot him got off without any repercussions.

Neither forgotten nor forgiven! Carlo Giuliani Lives


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